2025 Fellowship Application Resources

PiA’s Selection Process

  • PiA’s application, selection, and placement processes are lengthy and multi-faceted. We recognize the process involves a significant investment of time on the part of applicants, advisors, PiA staff, and host organizations.

  • We attempt to offer interviews only to those applicants who stand a reasonable chance of receiving a fellowship post. However, being granted an interview does not guarantee a spot on the program.

  • We work closely with host organizations to understand their needs and requirements for fellowship positions. However, host organization needs may change, so applicants should demonstrate adaptability, resilience, and commitment to the PiA experience.

  • We ask all applicants to refrain from contacting any PiA host organization directly. PiA will put applicants in contact with their potential host organization at the nomination stage of the process. Any applicant who circumvents PiA’s selection process by contacting a host organization directly will be automatically disqualified from consideration for a PiA fellowship.

  • Upon acceptance of a fellowship offer, PiA and host organizations begin making significant investments of time, energy and financial resources to be able to welcome the Fellow on the appointed timeline. We therefore ask that upon accepting a PiA fellowship, Fellows remove themselves from consideration from other application processes.

Timeline for the 2025-26 Fellowship Cycle


  • September 3, 2024: Application opens.

  • November 1, 2024: All application materials due online by 11:59 PM EDT.

    PiA acknowledges that recent conflicts and natural disasters may have an extraordinary impact on applicants and recommenders from affected regions. Applicants may request extensions by writing to us at apply@princetoninasia.org or calling our office. We strongly encourage applicants to submit extension requests by November 1st to help facilitate a timely review process. However, we understand the cascading hardships that may accompany such events, and we may be able to consider later requests on a case-by-case basis.

  • November 22, 2024: Applicants receive an email confirming receipt of all application materials. Please do not reach out to check on your application status before this date.

  • December 19, 2024: Applicants are notified whether they have been selected to interview with PiA staff.


  • January 2025: Virtual interviews with PiA staff.


  • Late February 2025: Notification of nominee status or invitation to join waitlist.

  • Late February - early March 2025: Nomination materials are due

  • March - April 2025: Host organizations evaluate nominees and communicate their selection to PiA.


  • Late March - April 2025: PiA extends fellowship offers. Candidates must accept or decline the offer within four calendar days of receiving it. Please note that accepting a PiA fellowship is binding.


  • April - May 2025: Fellows begin the process of obtaining visas in collaboration with host organizations.

  • April - May 2025: Teaching Fellows complete a 120-hour Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) online certification course.

  • June 7-8, 2025: All Fellows attend a mandatory, virtual orientation. Sessions will primarily be conducted live, with some asynchronous content and assignments.


  • July - September 2025: Most fellowships begin in August. Depending on host organization needs, some fellowships may begin in July or September. All fellowships are contingent on receiving a visa and completing PiA’s pre-departure requirements.